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From humble beginnings in 1893 to highly trusted 21st century name today. In our many years a lot has changed since we started out as a manufacturer of labour saving trucks and trolleys. Now we are one of the UKs market leaders in the distance selling of industrial and commercial equipment.

About Slingsby's

From humble beginnings in 1893 to highly trusted 21st century name today. In our many years a lot has changed since we started out as a manufacturer of labour saving trucks and trolleys. Now we are one of the UKs market leaders in the distance selling of industrial and commercial equipment.

Slingsby Coupons & Promo Codes


From humble beginnings in 1893 to highly trusted 21st century name today. In our many years a lot has changed since we started out as a manufacturer of labour saving trucks and trolleys. Now we are one of the UKs market leaders in the distance selling of industrial and commercial equipment.


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